martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Rolando's favorite music

It will be said somewhere else what his contribution to linguistics was...
Here, I want to remember the friend, the soulmate, the husband. His spirit, what made him shiver, specially the songs he loved the most:

An excellent dancer, he loved disco music; one of the songs I remember he used to listen while getting ready to go out (his clothes had to be perfect), while dancing to me and singing was "I want your love" from the 70's group CHIC. To this class of songs ("getting ready to attack") belongs Luis Miguel's "Luz verde".
Of Course, his most admired singer was brazilian Roberto Carlos and all his songs, I cannot remeber one he liked better than other, he just loved Roberto Carlos' music. A few that come to mind are "los botones", detalhes, telepatia, no te apartes de mi.
But when he got romantic (and he was indeed very romantic), Barbra Streisand's evergreen and the way we were had to be listened. One particular song that made him realize he wanted someone who could love him just the way he was, that he did not want to "diventari soli e vecchi" was aleandro Baldi's non amarmi.

Christian Castro was also one of his favorite singers, as well as Juan Gabriel and the spanish Miguel Bose and Alejandro Sanz, two of his most admired singers.

Rolando also loved classical music, his favorite "Romeo and Juliet" from Tchaikovsky.

En memoria de Rolando Felix Armendariz

... And everytime I try to type "felix", Rolando's last name, the word "feliz" happy seems to type itself. This is very congruent with Rolando's life: he got to be a happy person. He once told me about a japanesse student that asked him about his personality, and Rolando told him: "I am gay", the student checked in his translation machine and asked Rolando: "are you happy?" and Rolando replied: "Yes, very, but I am also homosexual". And that is how Rolando lived his life. He had no problem accepting he was gay (I remember he once said regarding a book about gays: "justifications not!"). He just did not need a justification for his unique way of being. And it was way more than just being gay, it was about having the courage to be what you are, way more, to know what you are.

I remeber a linguist once told me he did not like Rolando because he believed Rolando to be "very self-centered", but what else can you be when you grow up in a little town where gays were thown rocks and get hurt just for being different? how else can you be when you are a sensitive guy that shivers with Roberto Carlos' songs and have no one to share it with?

He was a dovoted person to his proyects: his marriage with me (lucky me!), his careers: he went from m.d. to fashion designer and then to linguist. And he was devoted to every season of his life. I met him in the last passion of his life: linguistics.

But I also was one lucky finding for him, just as much as he was for me. We feel connected from the first day we met. If I now look for a word to describe our love, there's only one: natural. He let me enter into his world "his infinitum particular" and it was the trip of my life. Once inside, it is hard to leave Rolando's world; it is even harder to want to leave that world: his mother, Quetechehueca, the stars lighting the sky that was supossed to be dark, the music, the flowers, the poems, his movements when dancing, his look (how handsome!), his love for life...

It is so hard to know he is not with us anymore... but tonight I learned something: He is with us, specially with me, I will not let him die. He is just a part of me. It would be like killing myself, and he thought me to enjoy life: no matter how hard it seems: we are alive, damn it! I will live every minute of what is left of my life, and wait for him to come for me when the time comes....

my soulmate: I tell you this: I love you. It is so simple: I love you. Lossing you has shattered my life, the son we never had, the new music we won't dance with, that we won't shiver with, the house with Toulouse Lautrec's paintings we will never live in... nothing matters my love... I am so lucky I met you, to have taken your hands and shared your dreams... You will never leave me.

Forever yours

